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Aircraft accidents occur again. This morning Alpha Hercules A-1325 (Hercules C-130) aircraft belonging to Indonesian Air Force fell on the area of rice field village Geplak, District Keras, Magetan regency, East Java, on 06.30 WIB. Around 92 passengers died, 2 of them are local people.

The plane fall in residential house and then crash and burn. Due to the accident, two people died because their houses are a fuselage. All the victims taken to hospital Lanuma TNI AU Iswahyudi and DR. Soedono hospital, Magetan. Location fall Hercules aircraft suspected of belonging to the TNI AU distance is 4 kilometers from Lanud Iswahyudi. in the combination of location and the TNI AU PMK are doing burnout.

The cause of the fall of Indonesian Air Force Hercules aircraft with tail number 1325 Alpha is not yet known. At the time the events occurred, the weather made that in normal circumstances and there is no interference of possible accident.

One of the suspected causes of accidents is a lack of spare parts for airplanes owned by the TNI AU. According to the flight observer Dudi Sudibjo, Hercules aircraft that are owned by the TNI AU lack of spare parts, so that these accidents could be possible because of lack of spare parts for the Hercules aircraft types in the Indonesian Air Force.

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