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Some bloggers using free blog providers are complaining in the forum that they are unable to access their blog From Tuesday July 14 till today Thrusday 16 July 2009. Blogsome servers is down or crashed we don’t know for sure. Some blogger getting a network timeout on the public and the admin sides, Here are some complains which don’t get the desired answer from the blogsome support team:

unexepted say :
My blog has been down for at least 12 hours - I'm getting a network timeout on the public and the admin sides - Any idea when this will be remedied? Thank you!
LinuxMan say :
I have 30 minutes with this error...


While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

* Connection to Failed

The system returned:

(110) Connection timed out

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

All it's ok?
saoirse32 say :
It was working earlier this morning, but it is down now:

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