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On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files. Please do ASAP (as son as possible) to move your web site, or save the images and other files you have posted on Geocities, you need to act now by choosing one of the following options :

You can Move your site to Yahoo! Web Hosting.
If you have files are important to you, you can moving to Yahoo! Web Hosting as easy and affordable. For a limited time, you can move your files automatically, take advantage of terrific features like a personalized domain name and email, even redirect your GeoCities web address to your new site . prize for all only $4.99 a month for a full year. For more information and complete terms, please visit Yahoo! Web Hosting for special offer.

Download your files to your own computer.
If you have lot of File on Yahoo! Geocities like your pages and images please saved offline, you can re-create your site with any hosting provider. or localhost

For quickly download your published files, visit your GeoCities web site, right-click on each page, and choose "Save Page As" from the menu that appears. Choose a location on your computer to save your files, then click OK or Save. For Learn more about downloading your files please visit here.

I hope the information will help you for save yuor site or your file.

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